Поздравляем от всей души с новым годом!!!!!!!! Пускай он будет в счастье и в радость! Здоровья и процветания вашему прекрасному аниме-семейству!!!!!!!!!!! УРА!!!!!!!!!!!
С Днём Рождения, Aktinkon!!!!!!!!!
Сообщений 1 страница 20 из 20
Поделиться22009-03-06 00:16:17
С ДНЁМ РОЖДЕНЬЯ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Поделиться32009-03-06 00:23:09
Да-Да, Истинному ценителю - истинные поздравления
Счастья, здоровья, чтобы все везде успевал по работе и хватало времени на отдых, аниме, семейный досуг и на друзей.
Поделиться42009-03-06 00:32:22
Что б аниме только в BRrip'ах
Поделиться62009-03-06 00:39:49
otanjobi omedeto!
Поделиться72009-03-06 07:42:29
Грац с Днюхой =)))
Поделиться82009-03-06 11:26:45
Присоеденяюсь к поздравлениям
Поделиться92009-03-06 20:22:31
Да будьте вы все мне так счастливы как я... иногда!
Нет, я - иногда, вы - дважды иногда.
И пусть солнышко вам улыбается сквозь тернии как и мне... ЧАСТО
Всем участникам от слова участь - большое человеческое спасибо!
Поделиться102009-03-06 20:49:08
ПОздровляю с Днем Варенья и желаю много-много радости, счастья и меньше глюков и спамов.
Поделиться112009-03-06 21:30:02
Присоединяюсь к поздравлениям. =)
Поделиться122009-03-06 21:39:31
чтоб всё аниме было кавайное и интересное)))
Поделиться132009-03-06 22:03:58
Нетушки, аниме должно быть и перчёное тоже, ну а в остальном -
люди, я вас тоже всех люблю, как минимум уважаю.
По нынешней погоде сакэ - лучший напиток для примирения с Галактикой. Это такой маленький секрет.
Метро с сакэ в ассортименте работает СМ.
Поделиться142009-03-06 22:12:50
Метро с сакэ в ассортименте работает СМ.
люди, я вас тоже всех люблю, как минимум уважаю.
Поделиться152009-03-06 22:14:28
А! До того, как меня выгонят, я успею поведать миру ещё одну истину:
Show me the way to the next whiskey bar
Oh don't ask why (2 раза)
Show me the way to the next whiskey bar
Oh don't ask why (2 раза)
For if we don't find the next whiskey bar
I tell you we must die (2 раза)
А вы думали - откуда появилось словo МАЗДaЙ в русскoм языке?
Второй куплет цитировать не буду. Лоликонщиком обзовут.
Отредактировано Aktinkon (2009-03-06 22:15:12)
Поделиться162009-03-06 22:16:13
CM = цілодобово.
Поделиться172009-03-06 22:24:55
появляйся почаще на форуме) мне ещё надо понять что ж такое мой комп считает Биоником)
Поделиться182009-03-07 14:30:46
А что там понимать? Вот кусок иоего лога от 4 марта завершением очередного юнита.
--- Opening Log file [March 4 05:54:59 UTC]
# Windows CPU Systray Edition #################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 6.23
Launch directory: C:\Documents and Settings\oto\Application Data\Folding@home-x86
[05:54:59] - Ask before connecting: Yes
[05:54:59] - User name: alkon (Team 0)
[05:54:59] - User ID: 31B554DB464217A3
[05:54:59] - Machine ID: 1
[05:54:59] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:54:59] Initialization complete
[05:54:59] + Processing work unit
[05:54:59] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
[05:54:59] Core found.
[05:55:00] Working on queue slot 04 [March 4 05:55:00 UTC]
[05:55:00] + Working ...
[05:55:00] *------------------------------*
[05:55:00] Folding@Home Gromacs Core
[05:55:00] Version 1.90 (March 8, 2006)
[05:55:00] Preparing to commence simulation
[05:55:00] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[05:55:17] - Looking at optimizations...
[05:55:17] - Working with standard loops on this execution.
[05:55:17] Examination of work files indicates 8 consecutive improper terminations of core.
[05:55:40] - Expanded 9242773 -> 47924691 (decompressed 53.8 percent)
[05:55:42] Project: 2613 (Run 12, Clone 18, Gen 33)
[05:55:43] Entering M.D.
[05:56:06] (Starting from checkpoint)
[05:56:06] Protein: p2613_TETHERED VESICLES
[05:56:06] Writing local files
[05:56:06] Completed 109060 out of 125000 steps (87%)
[06:34:12] Writing local files
[06:34:13] Completed 110000 out of 125000 steps (88%)
[07:24:52] Writing local files
[07:24:53] Completed 111250 out of 125000 steps (89%)
[08:15:11] Writing local files
[08:15:11] Completed 112500 out of 125000 steps (90%)
[09:05:06] Writing local files
[09:05:07] Completed 113750 out of 125000 steps (91%)
[09:54:16] Writing local files
[09:54:17] Completed 115000 out of 125000 steps (92%)
[10:44:04] Writing local files
[10:44:05] Completed 116250 out of 125000 steps (93%)
[11:32:33] Writing local files
[11:32:34] Completed 117500 out of 125000 steps (94%)
[11:54:59] + Working...
[12:21:05] Writing local files
[12:21:05] Completed 118750 out of 125000 steps (95%)
[13:09:34] Writing local files
[13:09:35] Completed 120000 out of 125000 steps (96%)
[13:58:06] Writing local files
[13:58:06] Completed 121250 out of 125000 steps (97%)
[14:47:47] Writing local files
[14:47:47] Completed 122500 out of 125000 steps (98%)
[15:37:59] Writing local files
[15:38:00] Completed 123750 out of 125000 steps (99%)
[16:36:40] Writing local files
[16:36:41] Completed 125000 out of 125000 steps (100%)
[16:36:41] Writing final coordinates.
[16:36:45] Past main M.D. loop
[16:37:45] Finished Work Unit:
[16:37:45] - Reading up to 7393248 from "work/wudata_04.arc": Read 7393248
[16:37:45] - Reading up to 10681436 from "work/wudata_04.xtc": Read 10681436
[16:37:45] goefile size: 0
[16:37:45] logfile size: 87639
[16:37:45] Leaving Run
[16:37:49] - Writing 18212831 bytes of core data to disk...
[16:37:58] Done: 18212319 -> 17635646 (compressed to 96.8 percent)
[16:37:58] ... Done.
[16:37:58] - Shutting down core
[16:37:58] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[16:38:02] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[16:38:02] Sending work to server
[16:38:02] Project: 2613 (Run 12, Clone 18, Gen 33)
[16:38:02] + Attempting to send results [March 4 16:38:02 UTC]
[16:38:02] - Presenting message box asking to network.
[17:25:40] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[17:25:40] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[17:25:40] (
[17:25:40] + Retrying using alternative port
[17:25:40] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[17:25:40] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[17:25:40] (
[17:25:40] - Error: Could not transmit unit 04 (completed March 4) to work server.
[17:25:40] Keeping unit 04 in queue.
[17:25:40] Project: 2613 (Run 12, Clone 18, Gen 33)
[17:28:48] - Attempt #6 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:31:39] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:31:39] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:31:41] - Successful: assigned to (
[17:31:41] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:31:41] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:32:11] Project: 2613 (Run 12, Clone 18, Gen 33)
[17:32:11] + Attempting to send results [March 4 17:32:11 UTC]
[17:38:17] + Results successfully sent
[17:38:17] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[17:38:17] + Number of Units Completed: 4
[17:38:18] + Connections closed: You may now disconnect
[17:38:18] + Processing work unit
[17:38:18] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
[17:38:18] Core found.
[17:38:18] Working on queue slot 05 [March 4 17:38:18 UTC]
[17:38:18] + Working ...
[17:38:18] *------------------------------*
[17:38:18] Folding@Home Gromacs Core
[17:38:18] Version 1.90 (March 8, 2006)
[17:38:18] Preparing to commence simulation
[17:38:18] - Looking at optimizations...
[17:38:18] - Created dyn
[17:38:18] - Files status OK
[17:38:18] - Expanded 239205 -> 1166721 (decompressed 487.7 percent)
[17:38:18] - Starting from initial work packet
[17:38:18] Project: 4459 (Run 205, Clone 4, Gen 6)
[17:38:18] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[17:38:18] Entering M.D.
[17:38:24] Protein: p4459_Seq51_Amber03
[17:38:24] Writing local files
[17:39:47] Extra SSE boost OK.
[17:39:48] Writing local files
[17:39:48] Completed 0 out of 1500000 steps (0%)
[17:54:59] + Working...
[17:55:12] Writing local files
[17:55:12] Completed 15000 out of 1500000 steps (1%)
[18:11:44] Writing local files
[18:11:44] Completed 30000 out of 1500000 steps (2%)
[18:28:48] Writing local files
[18:28:48] Completed 45000 out of 1500000 steps (3%)
[18:44:02] Writing local files
[18:44:03] Completed 60000 out of 1500000 steps (4%)
[19:01:21] Writing local files
[19:01:21] Completed 75000 out of 1500000 steps (5%)
[19:17:41] Writing local files
[19:17:41] Completed 90000 out of 1500000 steps (6%)
[19:32:55] Writing local files
[19:32:55] Completed 105000 out of 1500000 steps (7%)
[19:48:09] Writing local files
[19:48:09] Completed 120000 out of 1500000 steps (8%)
[20:03:22] Writing local files
[20:03:22] Completed 135000 out of 1500000 steps (9%)
[20:06:54] + Paused
А вот статистика после последней регистрации
Slot 01 Empty/Deleted
Project: 2613 (Run 78, Clone 7, Gen 58), Core: 78
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: February 5 19:16:40
Finished date: February 12 16:30:22
Slot 02 Empty/Deleted
Project: 4443 (Run 114, Clone 3, Gen 6), Core: 78
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: February 12 16:40:40
Finished date: February 16 12:40:00
Slot 03 Empty/Deleted
Project: 2611 (Run 1, Clone 264, Gen 130), Core: 78
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: February 17 17:47:10
Finished date: February 24 08:55:10
Failed uploads: 2
Slot 04 Empty/Deleted
Project: 2613 (Run 12, Clone 18, Gen 33), Core: 78
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: February 24 11:04:12
Finished date: March 4 16:38:02
Failed uploads: 2
Slot 05 *Active
Project: 4459 (Run 205, Clone 4, Gen 6), Core: 78
Work server:
Collection server:
Download date: March 4 17:32:11
Deadline date: May 6 17:32:11
Поделиться192009-03-07 15:20:48
07.03.2009 12:21:45||Starting BOINC client version 6.4.5 for windows_intelx86
07.03.2009 12:21:45||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
07.03.2009 12:21:45||Libraries: libcurl/7.19.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8i zlib/1.2.3
07.03.2009 12:21:45||Data directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BOINC
07.03.2009 12:21:45||Running under account УПЯЧКА
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Processor: 1 AuthenticAMD AMD Sempron(tm) 2300+ [x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1]
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Processor features: fpu tsc sse 3dnow mmx
07.03.2009 12:21:46||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Professional x86 Editon, Service Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Memory: 511.48 MB physical, 1.22 GB virtual
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Disk: 9.77 GB total, 891.00 MB free
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Local time is UTC +2 hours
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Not using a proxy
07.03.2009 12:21:46||No CUDA devices found
07.03.2009 12:21:46||No coprocessors
07.03.2009 12:21:46|ABC@home|URL: http://abcathome.com/; Computer ID: 79816; location: (none); project prefs: default
07.03.2009 12:21:46||No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Reading preferences override file
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 255.74MB
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 460.34MB
07.03.2009 12:21:46||Preferences limit disk usage to 0.50GB
07.03.2009 12:21:47|ABC@home|Restarting task abc_wu_32591801114000_9079000_1 using abc-finder version 103
07.03.2009 14:08:59|ABC@home|Computation for task abc_wu_32591801114000_9079000_1 finished
07.03.2009 14:08:59|ABC@home|Starting abc_wu_32516154886000_9079000_4
07.03.2009 14:08:59|ABC@home|Starting task abc_wu_32516154886000_9079000_4 using abc-finder version 103
07.03.2009 14:09:02|ABC@home|Started upload of abc_wu_32591801114000_9079000_1_0
07.03.2009 14:09:04|ABC@home|Finished upload of abc_wu_32591801114000_9079000_1_0
Поделиться202009-03-07 19:42:51
Ну? Стартанули, нашли задачу, просчитали её за полтора часа, сдали результаты в штаб-квартиру. Всё вроде ОК.